A downloadable project

When: May 19th - June 5th 2018

A demo about two siblings, Gwen and Lucas, that go back in time on accident when finding a old relic. From there they learn all about the Proto-Indo European people, culture, and language.    

My main role on the project was programmer throughout the demo. I helped develop the cutscene, and interactive dialogue systems, as well as interactive environmental objects and a basic inventory system. Also helped work on the environment, and various animations throughout.

The demo was created to apply for the NEH Digital Projects for the Public Discovery Grant.


Andrew Byrd - Producer, Writer, Director

Brenna Byrd - Writer, Director

Dr. George Landon - Director

Phillip Barnett - Writer, Voice Actor, Video Production

Zachary Hunt - Concept Artist, 2D Artist

Kyle Nestmann - Programmer, Level Designer

Lacey Lansaw - Programmer, Level Designer

Nick Tiemeyer - Environment Artist

Curtis Lypsey III - Voice Acting

Tamia Fair - Voice Acting

Damaris Hill - Voice Acting

Kevin Shortt - Consultant

Winston Gregory Haynes - Consultant

Jackie Murray - Humanities Advisor

Jenny Larsson - Humanities Advisor

Dr. Riccardo Ginevra - Humanities Advisor